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Crowd City is an engaging multiplayer game where the main objective is to become the biggest crowd in town. As players navigate through the city, they start with a single follower and must cleverly approach lone pedestrians or smaller groups to assimilate them into their growing crowd. The game unfolds in a vibrant urban environment where every player’s crowd is distinguished by different colors. Strategic thinking is required to outmaneuver other players and avoid being overtaken by larger groups, turning a peaceful crowd gathering into a tense battle for dominance.

Master the Art of Crowd Expansion

The dynamics of Crowd City are simple yet addictive: roam the city, increase your followers, and clash with other crowds to dominate the map. Timing and tactical movement are crucial, as making a wrong move can lead to being engulfed by a rival crowd, instantly turning the tables on your efforts. Power-ups scattered across the map can temporarily boost your speed or the attraction rate of followers, providing crucial advantages in tight situations. As the timer ticks down, the pressure mounts, and the player with the most followers at the end of the round emerges victorious, making every game a thrilling race to the top of the leaderboard.

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